The Intelliquilter is compatible with R12/LT2-format DXF files. Any newer format was made more complex to accommodate newer features of AutoCAD. There is no advantage for us to be compatible with those, and, thank fully, the R12/LT2 format was never discontinued, so we keep using it. If a later version is backward compatible, it will still work.
What version .dxf is the IQ compatible with?
Jessica In addition, if you find that you are using a program that has a default save to a newer DXF version, you can often save to the legacy version of R12/LT2. If the program you are using will not allow you to go back that far, save the file in a newer DXF version, download the free 2D CAD program Draftsight from and it will allow you to open the newer DXF that you've save & then save it back to the older R12/LT2 version. I've also found that Draftsight is relatively friendly as a drawing/digitizing program compared to Autosketch, etc, as the user interface is quite user friendly.
Digi-Tech Designs,
APQS / IQ Dealer & Educator
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